TradeNet People

Just a few of the wonderful people I worked for. We tried to treat our customers the way we treated our employees. I was alone in the industry the way I sold TradeNet. “Ordering from TradeNet is a privilege, not a right.” We were the best supplier in the industry and it was the results of hard work and dedication to the mission of these folks and others not in photos.

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Mike, Diane, Colm and Jim visit the plant. I'm there too. if you turn your head you will see me with the camera. Harding and Diane Brand visit the plant.
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Our crack Expo team after setup.
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Our crack Expo team after too much celebratory imbibing.
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The girls killed it at the Awards Dinner. Heck, they kill it every day so night isn't a challenge.
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Our first big time booth was a monster. It was heavy and difficult to set up. Barb almost lost a finger when a panel slipped. We also wore uniforms. We made this look good.
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OMG! These people were the front line offence. They made me look so good on so many occasions. Tom told me that I was to get them to try us and we would wow them. I roped them and drove them into the arms of these amazin customer service staff.
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Mike Rubin meets with the DC programers.
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We dressed in bright colors except for the geeky salesman in the suit.
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Jenny, Gardner and Dana help out at the Kansas City show.
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They killed it. Absolutely killed at the Awards Dinner.
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The annual company breakfast meeting. Tom gave the State Of The TradeNet address. We were fed, too.
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Trust me. Food will be coming.
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The round tables will be fed. I promise.
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My wife worked our booth for the three shows a year as well as traveling with me on regional and traveling shows whenever she was on vacation.
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Connie kept the books and paid the bills.
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We even have a bit of time to shop at Expo and get cool stuff before it hits the stores.
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Morgan was our IT guru. He passed away this year.