2009 China 3 Rivers Gorge Riverboat

This is a long ride on the Yangzee River in a Russian built hydroplane local boat. We had a six hour tour, a heart stress test and a kung fu movie marathon.

It starts with a massive misunderstanding between us an the taxi drivers and almost ends on the steps of death.

That was a long day but a spectacular one

Perry is negotiating a cab ride. It was very interesting.
This guy is carrying about 125 lbs of luggage.
In America it would be on a luggage cart.
This guy is carrying about 125 lbs of luggage.
Maria is packing a new jacket for $14 US.
It is a long way down and the tram isn't working.
Our Russian designed speed boat.
Surfer Bob gets ready for the trip.
This is as good as this will ever look, or at least it didn't look like this six hours later after the voyage.
You just gotta love lanterns.
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