My 60th Birthday Party

I new we were going to have a party when I turned 60 but never thought it would turn out as good as it did. I don’t know what DJ spent for my 50th but I poured a little cash into this one, probably more than I thought.
It came together quickly when I realized that Rex’s birthday was the day before mine and Janet Matthews was the day after. I figured that if I was going to spend a few grand I’d like to bring some friends along for the ride. Mi party es su party.
I reserved the same hall as before and found a new band, Sidejobz, since the old one was not available. BBQ House in OB was the caterer and we supplied snacks, cake and booze.
I put up a site for Rex and Nowell’s Excellent Birthday Party and would have included Janet but she got on the masthead at the last moment. We’re off and rolling.
This one was different from the 50th since a lot of friends from my work were involved and some even drove in from Texas. Bruce came out and wrote a song for me and all my kids were here as well as an old friend from many decades ago. It was a first class group of people.
I’m pretty sure everyone had fun and the photos will prove it. Thanks for all the support throughout the years. I appreciate every one of you. Let’s do it again soon!