2009 China Hong Kong

Perhaps the most vibrant city in Asia. Really cool place. Great food, good looking women, shopping, and endless views. It was the perfect end to a trip I won’t forget. We rode the subway which is a peak experience. Clean, on time, good looks, it was the one souvenir I bought on the trip… a model of the subway car.

We had lunch on Victoria Peak where the staff sang Happy Birthday and Bubba Gump provided a cake and candle for my birthday. Perry was staying in China for work and treated us to dinner at Nobu, a vastly overrated sushi restaurant with a really nice staff and, for my birthday, at The Jumbo Floating Restaurant. This was a memorable night in an incredible trip.

Hong Kong is a “should see” place. Go and see for yourself and have a Cuban cigar at the lounge in the Sheraton on Nathan Road. Take the Star Ferry around and catch the 8pm light show across the harbor.

Getting the GigaPan ready for the shot. It was a waisted effort because the city disappeared in the clouds.
HK 09bGigaPanVictoriaPeak 1
I carried fourteen pounds of photo equipment about two miles.
The city from the peak. It disappeared just after this.
Photographing Hong Kong with Perry.
HK 09cGigaPanVictoriaPeak 2
I am using the pay telescope on Victoria Peak before the clouds sock the view in.
We are in Kowloon. Hong Kong island is across the bay.
Nathan Road is the main shopping and activity road on the Kowloon side.
HK 09ChinaHongKong 53
Yes, a Spanish Hourly Hotel is exactly what you think it is.
The entrance to Jumboland
HK 09J01ChinaJumboRestaurant 1
It looks big because it is. They can host almost 2,000 guests a day.
Jumbo in the distance.
Jumbo in the distance.
The Great Seal of Jumbo
Lots of boats in this little marina. Junk's too.
HK 09J04PerryChina 176
It is much bigger in real life.
Our Jumbo Duck.
Happy Birthday to me.
HK 09J07
Soup at dinner.
Perry's photo of the light show which happens every evening at 8 pm.
The city of Hong Kong during a brief moment of clear light.
My Bubba Gump birthday sundae.
Hong Kong.