My amazing family

I created, promoted and presented FOUR workshops by myself! I launched my VA Referral Directory and have a dozen VAs to refer to clients! I launched my Hire a VA program and have gotten great reviews about it. I launched my Hey! Do I Need a VA? Podcast and we’ve recorded TWO seasons and are scheduled to record a third.
Over winter break I wrote the first rough draft of my book to help overwhelmed entrepreneurs find, hire and work with a VA. I’ve steadily shown up for my Accountability groups and myself. I hired my own team of VAs to take over the tasks I no longer want to do so I have time to focus on what I am excited about.
For the first time in years, I’m really looking forward to the new year ahead. Last year it took me months to ease into anything. This year, I’m not walking into my bliss, I’m leaping! I invite you to join me. If you’re not ready, that’s absolutely okay. 

If you haven’t already done it, I encourage you to reflect back on your past year and write down your Wins. Celebrating what went well for you goes a long way to motivate you to keep going.  If it feels like you had more struggles, pause and try to look at those with curiosity.

What lessons can you take with you into 2025? Most likely, there are a few wins sprinkled in the struggles that with closer examination will remind you of how far you’ve come. You may have completed milestones even if you haven’t crossed your finish line.
For the last five years, I’ve been on a journey of transformation- myself, my business, my relationships. Pretty much every area of my life.  I’ve seen clients go on the same journey and flourish in front of my eyes.  I’ve called this journey many things- goal-getting, self-love, healing, and taking the leap into my Zone of Genius. 

What I didn’t realize is this is what Joseph Campbell calls, The Hero’s Journey. I learned about this as a storytelling technique when I was working on the craft of writing romance novels.  In every story, the Hero is called to adventure and he/she either grows and changes or stays the same. For years, I’ve believed that our goal-getting journey is our own hero’s journey. To realize a goal, regardless of what it is – to clean a space or build a business- we all go on parallel journeys.  The outward goal is the one we tell people about – “I’m writing a book”, “I’m running a marathon,” and “I’m getting my house under control.” The Hero’s Journey is the inward changes we need to make to become the person to reach our goal.

Campbell’s most famous piece of advice is “following your bliss.” His concept suggests that we should pursue what genuinely excites and inspires us — our Genius.  Following our passions leads us to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. He’s quoted as saying, “If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.”

Essentially following your bliss is about aligning your life with your deepest desires and goals. In doing so, doors open where you didn’t know they existed. Just stepping onto the path sets off a chain reaction to lead you to the next steps. Here are insights from Joseph Campbell to help you along your own Hero’s journey: