2009 China Xian Warriors

So, a guy is digging a well and finds an army…

Sounds like the beginning of a joke, right? Well the Terra Cotta Army in Xian is no joke. It is one of the true tresures of the world and you simply have to fly in and take a look for yourself.

You are not allowed to use a tripod but Perry arranged for me to shoot a good quality panorama.

Thanks, Perry. You da man.

Their Website

There was nothing in the flea market that appeals to a 58 year old American.
The travelers start with an excellent Hyatt breakfast.
Surfer Bob takes a break when we stop for gas.
X 05Xian
You can't tell that the GigaPan is resting inside, hoping to get a pano of the Terra Cotta Warriors.
This lion, however, is warning me to be careful today.
Xian is a walled city and many places have walled enclaves.
The city wall is many miles long.
The girls at the Hyatt breakfast area were very nice, indeed.
The Terra Cotta Warriors.
X TerraCottaWarriors 02
A village has sprung up around the Warrior Compound to service the ever larger tourist population.
Surfer Bob makes an appearance.
No attraction would be complete without a market.
Perry meets the man who discovered the warriors while digging a well.
You can buy any size warrior that you can fit in luggage.
Lots of sun means lots of Maria's. Umbrellas forever.
One of the museum buildings. I think there are seven to see.
Perry shoots the pit with the horses and chariots.
These are bronze horses, not terra cotta like their friends.
The Green Tea and Coffee Cafe.
The scale model of the area where the warriors were found.
Lots of cavalry here too.
Mostly whole warriors removed from a pit.
This is the guy who drove me to the airport and ran out of gas on the way.
This guy couldn't help us either.
Bob even gets a menu... you have a choice on this fllight.
Dinner on the flight to Xian on Dragonaire Business Class.