2009 China The Great Wall

I once read a joke that said, “It’s a good wall, but…” but it really is a “Great” wall.

You can’t imagine the work that went into building this until you climb it. The Egyptians have nothing on the Chinese, especially when you consider that the Egyptians had an entire country of slaves to help.

You are there. We are here.

On the way! Off we go!
Surfer Bob likes the ride
The entrance to the Tram Village.
The market outside the entrance of the Great Wall entrance.
Hey dude, you're outta luck. We only sell cameras for her.
China has good direction signs everywhere.
Read the signs carefully. If you don't you will miss important information.
Surfer Bob rides the tram to the top.
Maria meets the warrior.
The Warrior meets Surfer Bob.
OK, we will.
Maria contemplates the long way down.
You are there. We are here.
Bob contemplates the Great Wall.
A small portion of the wall.
Watchtowers are in comfortable locations.
Watchtowers are in comfortable locations.
GigaPan on the Great Wall.
G09china greatwall 23
Little West Virginia f&#ers don't understand polite society.
The University of West Virginia apparently doesn't teach manners. They defaced this wall. I sent the photos to the President of the school. Nothing happened.
Ed should be horsewhipped in public.
Maria is the blue parasol in the top center.
"I made it!"
Bill Clinton ate here.
Maria loves silk paintings.
Nope... not your style, girl.
Getting closer.
#52 gets a sale.
We organize the Nut Ladies and get a great photo.
Nowell on the Great Wall.
"Well, the weather outside is frightful... but the fire is so delightul..."