2009 China Chongquig

We flew to Chongquig for one night at the Hilton (a very nice hotel).

In the morning, we took a drive to the river where we got the 3 Gorges express boat for a six hour ride, a cardiac stress test and a kung fu movie marathon.

It started out with a 24 mile drive from the airport along the biggest city I have ever seen.

The bus from the plane to the terminal is packed.
Terminals are efficient and you get carts for free. Listen up, America...
CH 00dChongquig 9
The taxi's are small and we always take two because we have too much luggage. Hey... one American for two weeks and two Americans for three weeks... whatdaya expect?
It's good to be king.
No words for this.
Lots of orange in China.Press A Print, anyone?
My room at the Hilton.
It's good to be a Hilton Diamond. They welcome you with a snack. Very classy.
Chongquing from the Hilton.
CH 09ChinaPerryTaxiNegotiation 03
Perry negotiates with the cab drivers to get us to the airp9ort. My cab ran out of gas. I thought I'd have to get a Chinese drivers license.
Rush hour is rush hour the world over.
"Down to the sea in ships, go we... " or, in our case, down to the river. This was the end of an 11 hour boat ride listening to kung fu movies all the way.
A dog in a rice paddy.
This little guy was running around the farm where the cab ran out of gas.